Margie President Bio

A woman in a white shirt with a black and white scarf.
Margie McGlynn


  Margie McGlynn has taken on the mission of helping to set up a patient support group for homocystinuria in memory of her 2 sisters who were affected by the disease and passed away at a young age in the 1970s.  Margie became a pharmacist following in her father’s footsteps, and spent 26 years at Merck helping to bring to market many new therapies and vaccines.  She then led the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative for 4 years, which is a non-profit research and advocacy organization focused on developing a vaccine to prevent AIDS.  Margie serves on corporate boards and also set up the Hempling Foundation for Homocystinuria Research which provides grants to academic researchers to help develop new treatments for homosyctinuria.

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