Thank you to our donors!
The Austin-Townley Family
The Bartke Family
The Bonucci Family
Edward and Karen Campbell
JP Carlin
James Christle
The Colter Family
Thomas and Patti Cuevas
David Duff
Lauren Dwyer
Dennis Elliott
Ed Hempling
Mary Hoffmann
Michael Hudelson
Gjalt Huisman
Roger and Ann Hummel
Natalie Hunt
The Kelly Family
Floyd and Mary Ladner
Harvey Levy
The Lewis Family
Shu Li
Kathy Machuzak
Philip Marotto Sr.
Marilyn Mills-Haines
Sarah Nethery
Keegan Ovitt
The Parke Family
Gary and Linda Paulson
The Penrose Family
Cathy Rapp
Joe Ribas
Thomas and Bonita Sanderson
James Seach
The Serene Family
Dorthy Siegfried
The Smeltser Family
Eileen Spinato
Allison Toy
Sagar Vaidya
Marian Wentworth
Barbara Zarou
Torben Zerlang
Curtis Analytic Parnters, Inc.
Groundswell Charitable Foundation
Thank you to our Fundraisers
Danae Bartke
The Carter Family
Jessica Karnes
The Lewis Family
Kelly Saoirse